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Dual Fuel Systems

Hybrids aren’t just for cars! Hybrid heating systems, also known as dual fuel systems, offer a house a great way to receive reliable heating through the winter, no matter how cold it may get outside, while also reducing high heating bills to something more manageable. If you’re searching for an alternative to using a furnace for winter comfort, or you believe a heat pump simply cannot tackle the cold weather, then a hybrid heat dual fuel system may be the right comfort solution for your house.

Making the decision to go with a hybrid heat pump is something that requires professional assistance. Baxter Comfort Solutions is here to see that you receive the help you need: installation, replacement, repairs, and maintenance. We specialize in delivering high efficiency comfort for homes in Baxter, IA and throughout the “golden circle” between Ames, Des Moines, Newton, and Marshalltown. Our motto is “Helping You Save by Going Green!”

The Basics of a Dual Fuel Heat Pump

The standard heat pump faces a dilemma during extreme cold weather: drawing sufficient thermal energy from the outdoors to supply comfort indoors. The energy efficiency of many heat pumps plunges rapidly as the temperature drops below freezing. This is a serious problem in a place like Baxter, where sub–zero temperatures crop up throughout the winter.

What a hybrid system does is solve the efficiency conundrum of the heat pump with a back–up heater that uses a separate fuel source. In most cases, this is a furnace that runs on liquid propane or natural gas. When the heat pump drops below the economic balance point (i.e. the point where it turns inefficient due to the cold), it automatically triggers the furnace to turn on and make up the difference. The furnace only runs as long as necessary. When the heat pump regains efficiency, the furnace shuts off once more.

Although the furnace will add to the expense of running the heat pump, a hybrid is still an energy–saver for a home. The back–up heat system will only need to run occasionally, and it prevents extra energy loss from the heat pump’s drop in efficiency. A household can enjoy the advantage of a heat pump (which includes excellent cooling for the summer) without needing to suffer from a heat pump’s one disadvantage.

We Provide Hybrid Heat Pump Services in Baxter, IA

A dual fuel heat pump can encounter the same types of malfunctions as both conventional furnaces and heat pumps, and as with those systems you only want professionals to handle the repair work. Our HVAC experts are experienced with numerous types of heating systems, and they’ll see that your hybrid heat pump remains working steadily for you throughout the year. To further help, we offer a maintenance program to regularly tune–up and inspect the hybrid system and see that it’s dependable and delivering the savings you expect.

Baxter Comfort Solutions has a long history with home comfort. When you call on us to find the best way to heat and cool your household in Baxter, IA or the surrounding areas, you can feel confident that we we’ll find the best way. It’s our aim to make you a lifelong customer with our skill and commitment to the highest levels of integrity.

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